Joe and Jana Crain
Parents of a graduate of Karen’s program
Dear Karen,
There is too much emotion to sum up with words how much you mean to our family.
We totally believe you were the answer to our prayers in a time of darkness and great need. Your passion, gifting for teaching, love for kids, and dedication has been exactly what JonJon has needed to push through.
We never thought he would be able to read like he can today! We know he has worked hard, but you were the one who taught him how to persevere, to believe he could do it, and to finish what he started. Thank you for not allowing him to quit, and thank you for setting good boundaries with him.
You have no idea (or maybe you do!) how full of gratitude our hearts are. We wish we could repay you...but we know you do it because you love it. You are amazing...inspiring...and a gift!
From the bottom of our hearts, thank you!
With love and gratitude,
Jana and Joe